Things to Keep in Mind When Selling an Inherited House

Selling an Inherited House

Selling an inherited house can be complicated and emotionally trying. Here are some things to keep in mind when you're selling an inherited house.

  1. The Probate Process

The probate process will vary depending on where you live, but generally it involves filing a petition with the court for the right to sell your home. In some cases, you may also need to file a petition for appointment of a personal representative.

  1. Types of Ownership

There are two types of ownership: joint tenancy and tenancy in common. Joint tenancy means that each owner has an individual interest in the property and has equal rights to sell it or leave it to their heirs upon death; while tenancy in common is shared equally among all owners with each having control over their own portion of the property until their death when it passes to their heirs according to their wishes expressed in their wills or other estate planning documents or by intestacy laws if no will exists at all.

  1. Inheritance Taxes

Inheritance taxes vary from state-to-state but are typically at least 10% on top of whatever other taxes were due during lifetime ownership such as capital gains (capital gains tax).

  1. Getting Agreement

Once everything is settled and ready to go, it's important that everyone agrees on what happens with this house—that way there won't be any confusion later on down

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